Post Tagged with: "Fukushima No. 1"

2011 Earthquake & Tsunami, News, Politics

Japan's Former PM Naoto Kan Testifies at a Public Hearing for the Nuclear DisasterJapan's Former PM Naoto Kan Testifies at a Public Hearing for the Nuclear DisasterJapan's Former PM Naoto Kan Testifies at a Public Hearing for the Nuclear DisasterJapan's Former PM Naoto Kan Testifies at a Public Hearing for the Nuclear Disaster

Japan’s Former PM Naoto Kan Testifies at a Public Hearing for the Nuclear DisasterJapan’s Former PM Naoto Kan Testifies at a Public Hearing for the Nuclear DisasterJapan’s Former PM Naoto Kan Testifies at a Public Hearing for the Nuclear DisasterJapan’s Former PM Naoto Kan Testifies at a Public Hearing for the Nuclear Disaster

(Click on the image above to view the full gallery) May 28, 2012, Tokyo, Japan – Japan’s former Prime Minister Naoto Kan arrives for a public hearing by the Diet-appointed […]


Latest Update on Japan's Nuclear CrisisLatest Update on Japan's Nuclear Crisis福島第1原発事故 細野氏らが記者会見

Latest Update on Japan’s Nuclear CrisisLatest Update on Japan’s Nuclear Crisis福島第1原発事故 細野氏らが記者会見

June 9th, 2011, Tokyo, Japan – Tokyo Electric Power Co., operator of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, revealed on Wednesday, June 8, 2011, that the ill-fated station suffered […]


Inside Unit 3 of Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power PlantInside Unit 3 of Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant福島第1原発事故 使用済み燃料プール (ビデオ画像)

Inside Unit 3 of Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power PlantInside Unit 3 of Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant福島第1原発事故 使用済み燃料プール (ビデオ画像)

May 10, 2011, Tokyo, Japan – A frame-grabbed image shows debris in the spent fuel pool of Unit 3 of Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant on Sunday, May 8, […]