Articles by: Nippon News


Japan's Tobacco to Raise Cigarette PricesJapan's Tobacco to Raise Cigarette Prices10 月からたばこ値上げ~マイルドセブン410円、セブンスター440円に

Japan’s Tobacco to Raise Cigarette PricesJapan’s Tobacco to Raise Cigarette Prices10 月からたばこ値上げ~マイルドセブン410円、セブンスター440円に

Mild Seven and 32 others will increase by ¥110, or 37%, from tax hike.


Festival del Cinema Italiano in TokyoFestival del Cinema Italiano in TokyoFestival del Cinema Italiano in Tokyo

Festival del Cinema Italiano in TokyoFestival del Cinema Italiano in TokyoFestival del Cinema Italiano in Tokyo

The seven-day film festival introduces 14 Italian movies for its 10th anniversary.


World Cup Trophy TourWorld Cup Trophy Tourワールドカップトロフィツアー

World Cup Trophy TourWorld Cup Trophy Tourワールドカップトロフィツアー

The World Cup trophy was on display during a special one-day event in Tokyo.


Sharp reboundsSharp reboundsシャープ、2年ぶり黒字決算

Sharp reboundsSharp reboundsシャープ、2年ぶり黒字決算

The company expects Y52bn ($554m) operating profit, reversing a Y55bn operating loss last year.


World's first EV Taxi PilotWorld's first EV Taxi Pilot世界初!バッテリー交換式EVによるタクシー運用開始記者発表

World’s first EV Taxi PilotWorld’s first EV Taxi Pilot世界初!バッテリー交換式EVによるタクシー運用開始記者発表

Better Place introduces the world’s first electric taxi using battery that can be switched.