Articles by: Nippon News


DS now top sellerDS now top sellerニンテンドーDS売上台数1億台突破!

DS now top sellerDS now top sellerニンテンドーDS売上台数1億台突破!

Nintendo DS is the best-selling gaming handheld device of all time with 129 million units sold.


Maternity & Baby Festa 2010Maternity & Baby Festa 2010マタニティ&ベビーフェスタ2010

Maternity & Baby Festa 2010Maternity & Baby Festa 2010マタニティ&ベビーフェスタ2010

Nearly 20,000 expected to attend the two-days annual event.


Okada makes protests to ChinaOkada makes protests to China岡田外相が抗議 中国船の接近「日本の主権侵害」 

Okada makes protests to ChinaOkada makes protests to China岡田外相が抗議 中国船の接近「日本の主権侵害」 

Chinese ship seen sailing in an “obstructive” way in the East China Sea.


34th Japan Hobby Show34th Japan Hobby Show第 34回 2010 日本ホビーショー

34th Japan Hobby Show34th Japan Hobby Show第 34回 2010 日本ホビーショー

The largest hobby craft show attracted many enthusiasts at Tokyo Big Sight.


Japan's HomelessJapan's Homeless日本のホームレス人口は2万5000人以上

Japan’s HomelessJapan’s Homeless日本のホームレス人口は2万5000人以上

Tokyo alone has some 2,600 people now officially listed as homeless.