Articles by: Nippon News

Business, News, Technology

3D & Virtual Reality Expo3D & Virtual Reality Expo3D & Virtual Reality Expo

3D & Virtual Reality Expo3D & Virtual Reality Expo3D & Virtual Reality Expo

June 22, 2011, Tokyo, Japan – Visitors put on 3D glasses to experience three-dimensional visual effects during the 3D and Virtual Reality Expo opened in Tokyo on Wednesday, June 22, […]


Summer Solstice in TokyoSummer Solstice in Tokyo全国各地で夏日観測 夏至の東京は30度超える

Summer Solstice in TokyoSummer Solstice in Tokyo全国各地で夏日観測 夏至の東京は30度超える

The mid-day sun bakes pedestrians during the summer solstice as the mercury rises to mark the hottest day so far this year in Tokyo and its immediate vicinity on Wednesday, […]

Features, News

Dinosaurs Expo 2011Dinosaurs Expo 2011上野にティラノザウルス 「恐竜博2011」準備始まる

Dinosaurs Expo 2011Dinosaurs Expo 2011上野にティラノザウルス 「恐竜博2011」準備始まる

Makoto Manabe of the National Science Museum gives an ad hoc lecture of the Tyrannosaurus after its skeletal model was assembled at the museum in Tokyo on Tuesday, June 21, […]

Entertainment, Fashion, Music, News

Lady Gaga Arrives in TokyoLady Gaga Arrives in TokyoLady Gaga Arrives in Tokyo

Lady Gaga Arrives in TokyoLady Gaga Arrives in TokyoLady Gaga Arrives in Tokyo

American pop singer-songwriter Lady Gaga arrives at Narita International Airport, east of Tokyo on June 21, 2011. Lady Gaga will be performing at the MTV Video Music Awards Japan on […]


Internet guru Takafumi Horie Goes to JailInternet guru Takafumi Horie Goes to Jail堀江受刑者を収監 モヒカン刈りで出頭

Internet guru Takafumi Horie Goes to JailInternet guru Takafumi Horie Goes to Jail堀江受刑者を収監 モヒカン刈りで出頭

Japan’s maverick Internet guru Takafumi Horie on Monday headed to a Tokyo jail  for accounting fraud. (Photo by Aflo)